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Category: Finding My New Normal

Picking up the pieces after the hurricane of loss wrecked my world.

The In Between

has faded and before the ground has shrugged into the thickness of a white winter coat.  Everything seems so bare, more plain somehow.  How stark and empty it looks by comparison.  You can see things you couldn’t see before…maybe because they were hidden behind a growth of flashy abundance or camouflaged by the distraction of the beauty that suffocated it.  This is the in between, the barren period of one season giving way to another, and there really isn’t a name for what it is.  It isn’t known for its beauty, its growth.  It’s neither a beginning nor an end…it’s simply an in between, a period of almost imperceptible transition.

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The Case for Being Lonely

Our emotions mimic a roller coaster; there are hills and valleys, excitement and fear.  No aspect of life has the ability to maintain a constant state of perfection – not relationships, not the weather, not our health.  I wonder sometimes if we’ve become such a hedonistic culture that we are incapable of allowing ourselves to sit for any amount of time in our negative feelings?  Whatever those may be – fear, loss, anger, guilt, envy, rejection, or…loneliness. Sometimes, the only way to successfully work through those negative emotions is to acknowledge them, feel them, and in some cases, honor them.  Sometimes the main reason you can spot the good is because you remember, so acutely, what it felt like to live the bad.


The Cost of Breathing

On the day we went to the E.R., he could only keep breathing by standing and bending over, rocking back and forth to manually keep his diaphragm working just enough to move oxygen into his lungs and keep his body going. Picture using your body to manually operate your lungs much like a blacksmith uses bellows to deliver oxygen to his fire. But we knew it wouldn’t be enough. He wouldn’t be able to sustain it for long.

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